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Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.

Yes! RDPWindows has a money back guarantee of 24 hours, in all rdp plans, you just have to open a ticket for refund within 24 hours after activation.
Your refund request may get accepted or refused depends of situations and your reasons, Please read TOS, Refund Policy for more info.

Simple, if you need to just UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD, select SSD RDP OR HDD RDP

If you want to stream 24/7 using OBS, just use Streaming RDP

If you need Admin to install your own apps, Select Admin RDP

And if you want to convert videos, buy encoding rdp

We will advise first, if you will not fix your resources usage, we will suspend your rdp. Please note: You are not allowed to use more than 10-15% CPU in non-encoding rdp and more than 4GB RAM in all rdp plans.

In Admin RDP you can install the software yourself, but in others, Sure, if you need an extra application you can download it in your rdp and request support to install it via live chat.

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